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Sunday's in person at 12pm now @ Calle Venezuela #152 Café La Ventana (confirm attendance in advance during summer)
Sunday's in person at 12pm now @ Calle Venezuela #152 Café La Ventana (confirm attendance in advance during summer)
Om Shanti Om - September 15, 2024
Call to Action:
Dr. Ernest Holmes said in, “A Prayer for World Peace“: “I know that because the Divine Mind has created us all, we are bound together in one infinite and perfect unity.” There is power in the unity of community. It can be energetically felt when chanting Om Shanti Om together and can literally make the world a more Peaceful place. When people come together with the intention of lifting their collective Consciousness they join together as Peace. Dr. Holmes prophesied a new world, a new heaven, and a new Earth here by spreading of the teaching of Religious Science. This really is ours to do—to BE the Peace we SEE in the world. To consciously live the concept of Ubuntu, creating a kinder, more connected world. We really do have the power to make a positive difference in the world. May you look into your own heart and may we come together to Be that Peace. “Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” --Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Affirmation: Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om: Peace Peace Peace! We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Waking Up to Oneness - September 8, 2024
Are you at Peace with everyone you meet? Not too many folks are. When we have a Grand Rising and see the Oneness and God in everyone with compassion, we can transform how we see and experience the world into one of Peace and Love.
Call to Action: As Dr. Holmes said, “Peace comes from a sense of union with the whole. Confusion comes from a sense of separation.” (Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You page 79) When we intentionally wake up from the illusion of separation, we are having a Grant Rising into Oneness. Now, let us put all of these pieces of Peace together: Let’s learn to live from a place of Namaste—seeing the God in everyone we meet. Let us also learn to practice the pause for Peace, compassionately ask ourselves what is the story we are telling ourselves? Ask ourselves, “Is this real?” Then Consciously choose what we do want—take our power back and choose our Peace. When we do these things and consciously choose our Peace—we are making the world as a whole more Peaceful now. “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then they become your partner.” ~ Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom (1995) Kindle Loc 51 Affirmation: The Divine in me recognizes and honors the Divine in you. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Rising From Pieces Into Peace - September 1, 2024
Have you ever felt like your world was falling to pieces and you didn’t know what to do? Today we will share tools for your spiritual toolkit to have a Grand Rising from pieces into Peace, revealing deep Inner Peace.
No matter the outward appearance of your world, how many pieces seem to be around you, you can know, (as Dr. Holmes said), “There is a Power for Good in the Universe, greater than you are, and you can use it”. This Peace is within you now and you can access it by consciously having a Grand Rising beyond the appearance of separation and moving into that place of Oneness and deep Peace that is always within. Finding peace after trauma is a journey that requires time, patience, and self-compassion. By taking these steps, you can begin to heal, rebuild, and eventually find a sense of peace and wholeness. Just remember to Stop, Drop, and Pray: Stop: Notice when you are feeling “not peace.” Turn away from the confusion. Drop: Move to that place in your heart where that ever-present inner Peace lives. Feel that calmness and peace. Pray: Affirm what you DO want and turn it all over to this Power for Good. Use this whenever “not peace” happens and cultivate Peace every day by using spiritual practices to transform the pieces into Peace—and share that Peace with those around you and the world. “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.” —Thich Nhat Hanh, Peace is Every Step Affirmation: I easily tune into the Peace at the center of my soul. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
The Truth About Wholeness and Disability - August 25, 2024
Discover the truth about disability and wholeness, a topic often overlooked in spiritual communities. Join us this week as we delve into the Divine Blueprint of every body, transcending our idea of physical and mental perfection.
Call to Action: Previously, there have been times when Science of Mind teachings have been used to justify a failure to fully embrace and support individuals with disabilities and/or differences. However, it is now imperative for us to shift our perspective and recognize that spiritual wholeness is not reliant on any aspects of the mind or body. Each person is a sacred manifestation of Spirit, and it is our duty to embrace, accept, and include every individual without exception. This requires us to acknowledge and appreciate the unique brilliance that each person brings to our communities. The Principles of Science of Mind provide an opportunity to be at the forefront of societal progress by creating inclusive environments and providing equal opportunities for all individuals to thrive and reach their full potential. By doing so, we honor the intrinsic worth and contributions of every person, fostering a more enlightened and compassionate society. "Just because a man or woman lack the use of their eyes doesn’t mean they lacks vision." - Stevie Wonder Our Affirmation for today is: I recognize the wholeness of myself and everyone I meet. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Let's Talk About Sex - August 18, 2024
Sex has always been a behind closed doors sort of topic, not one that is discussed in our spiritual communities. However, if there is no spot where God is not, that must mean It is behind those doors too! Let’s bring the conversation out into the open so that we can broaden our awareness and understanding. When we stop hiding sexuality away, we can start releasing shame, guilt, and ignorance about this completely natural and pleasurable experience!
Call to Action: It is time to know the Truth that our sexuality is an inherent part of our spirituality! Perhaps this is through cultivating intimacy with ourselves and others, choosing to be open and vulnerable while discovering what brings us pleasure. Perhaps this is through exploring our own boundaries and what we are interested in trying or consenting to. Or perhaps this is through exploring everyday pleasures: things like delicious food, beautiful scenery, miraculous moments, and more. All of life reproduces through sex, and for many species this is a pleasurable experience they seek out. Humans are no different. It is time to release the shame that we have been taught about our bodies and our sexuality and instead embrace our Wholeness as it shows up in every form, including sex, pleasure, sexuality, and intimacy. "'How can I love you more?' That is a psychologically healthy question when spoken as part of building intimacy in a relationship. It is a spiritual question when asked as part of loving a person. It is a saintly question when spoken at a highly charged time." - David Richo, Wholeness and Holiness Affirmation: I am a sexy, spiritual being! We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Trauma 101 - August 11, 2024
Today’s world can be incredibly challenging to navigate; war, abuse, neglect, poverty, violence, loss, and more seem to touch the majority of people in some way or another. Since trauma is a part of the human experience, isn’t it time we talk about it? How can we be a part of the solution, working together to heal individually and collectively?
Call to Action: It is crucial that we begin to listen to and support one another through our healing journeys, rather than diminishing or disregarding the pain that naturally comes with being human. As Robert Anton Wilson reminds us, “Under the present brutal and primitive conditions on this planet, every person you meet should be regarded as one of the walking wounded. We have never seen a person not slightly deranged by either anxiety or grief. We have never seen a totally sane human being.” Bearing this in mind, it becomes even more important to find the connection of our Divinity and our humanity, allowing Science of Mind principles to lead us to real world practices that support our growth and healing. Paraphrasing Ram Dass: Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, grace, and compassion as we walk one another home. "We don't heal in isolation, but in community." - Kelley Harrell, Gift of the Dreamtime Affirmation: I am gentle with myself and the world, knowing we are all healing together. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated |
The Impact of "Othering" - August 4, 2024
This month we are talking about “taboo” topics that are often avoided in spiritual community. Join us on a transformative journey of self-discovery, collective growth, and creating a society rooted in love, justice, and the celebration of our shared humanity.
Call to Action: In our Spiritual communities, we express ideals of oneness, radical welcoming, and inclusion. However, we often allow our unconscious bias, inclination toward othering, and subconscious fear to dictate our actions. To truly overcome this inherent human tendency, it’s crucial that we go beyond mere spiritual practice and take proactive steps towards self-reflection and community examination. We must explore what lies beneath our resistance to personal growth, communal change, and natural evolution. Achieving oneness goes beyond individual efforts; it necessitates collective engagement. As spiritual beings, we are called to shed light on all aspects of our human experience, especially the ones we may prefer to avoid. By doing so, we transcend othering and create an environment of inclusivity where everyone feels welcomed. To accomplish this, we must be willing to honestly examine ourselves, our beliefs, and our community. We must identify and challenge our unconscious biases and fears that hinder our progress toward true oneness, opening the door to personal and collective transformation and allowing us to embody the principles we espouse. Transcending othering requires more than just theoretical discussions of Science of Mind Principles. It demands a commitment to action, self-reflection, and collective introspection. “It doesn’t take a declaration, or an invasion, to start a war, all it takes is an ‘us’ and a ‘them.’ And a spark.” ― Ada Palmer, (Seven Surrenders) Affirmation: I step into action to create an inclusive world. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Perfectly Imperfect - July 28, 2024
Celebrate the beauty of imperfection and unlock the power of radical acceptance! Join us this week as we delve into the transformative practice of embracing life as it is, cultivating self-compassion, and fostering a community of love and acceptance. Discover the freedom that comes from embracing imperfections and living authentically.
Call to Action: These ideas emphasize the transformative power of embracing imperfection, the importance of self-compassion and acceptance, and the joy that comes from living authentically. By exploring these ideas, we deepen our understanding of the beauty and potential within imperfection and invite a greater sense of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and joy into our lives. We are invited to embrace imperfection as a catalyst for transformation, to let go of unrealistic expectations, and to live a life of authenticity, self-compassion, and joy. By doing so, we create a vibrant and expansive experience of life that reflects our inherent beauty and potential. “On this sacred path of Radical Acceptance, rather than striving for perfection, we discover how to love ourselves into wholeness.” (Tara Brach, Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha) Affirmation: I embrace imperfection and accept all of myself. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Imperfect Practices - July 21, 2024
Step into the power of embracing imperfection. Join us as we explore the beauty of growth through imperfect practices. Discover the transformative journey of embracing the process, expanding your horizons, and embracing your authentic self.
Call to Action: By shifting our perspective and embracing change, we have opened ourselves up to new dimensions of growth and self-discovery. This week we are invited to continue integrating these principles into our daily lives; embrace imperfect practices, step out of our comfort zones, and approach challenges with a growth mindset. Embrace vulnerability and authenticity, allowing ourself to be seen as we truly are. Take practical steps to cultivate resilience and self-compassion, knowing that progress is made through embracing imperfection. By doing so, we deepen our connection to the divine and create an expansive and fulfilling life journey. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and embrace the limitless possibilities that await you. “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw, Irish Playwright, Critic, Polemicist, Political Activist Affirmation: I embrace imperfection, knowing it is the best part of life. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Leaning Into Imperfection - July 14, 2024
Unlock the transformative power of embracing imperfection and shifting your perspective. Discover profound possibilities and cultivate self-acceptance in our Practice Makes Imperfect series. Join us as we delve deeper into the beauty of imperfection and open ourselves to a world of new connections and limitless growth.
Call to Action: By embracing imperfection through Perception, Oneness and Wholeness, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. The invitation this week is to look for places in our lives where our imperfections are asking us to shift our perception, embrace diversity and uniqueness, and recognize the significance of imperfections in personal growth. Through this exploration, we uncover new pathways to self-acceptance, authenticity, and a greater sense of belonging in the vast tapestry of existence. "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." - Carl Jung Affirmation: I embrace imperfection and discover profound possibilities. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
What If Perfection Isn't The Goal? - July 7, 2024
Discover the liberating truth about perfectionism and its impact on your personal and spiritual growth. Join us this week as we explore the transformative power of embracing imperfections as divinely perfect, and unlock a path towards self-acceptance, freedom, and authentic living.
Call to Action: Embracing imperfection fosters resilience. Life is full of ups and downs, challenges, and setbacks. When we accept that imperfection is a natural part of the human experience, we become better equipped to navigate these inevitable bumps in the road. We develop the resilience to bounce back from failures and setbacks, viewing them as opportunities for growth and learning. We understand that it is through facing and overcoming our challenges that we truly grow and evolve. Are there areas of your life where the pursuit of perfection has left you feeling stuck, fearful, or unworthy? If so, then embrace those places and imagine what life might look like by cultivating a sense of compassion and authenticity that embraces imperfection. The path to spiritual and personal evolution lies not in the pursuit of perfection, but in the recognition and celebration of our imperfections. As we embrace the divine wholeness within us, release the illusion of duality, and cultivate authenticity and growth through imperfection, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-love. We invite everyone to step boldly into the beautiful imperfection of their lives and embrace the incredible possibilities that lie within. If you have forgiven yourself for being imperfect and falling, you can now do it for just about everybody else. If you have not done it for yourself, I am afraid you will likely pass on your sadness, absurdity, judgment, and futility to others. (Richard Rohr, Falling Upward, p. 114) Affirmation: I embrace the beauty of my divine imperfections. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated |
Colourful to the Core - June 30, 2024
We each have our own unique signature like no one else’s. The world would not be the same without each of us. We all belong here to make the world as special as it is.
Call to Action: We are all created special and unique. Life is inviting us to participate fully, just as we are. We get to find our own welcoming to life, especially if others don’t extend their reach, along with allies who support us just as we are. Simply show up and participate. We must find our own inspiration, courage, encouragement, empowerment, and whatever it takes to be our true authentic selves, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. Unfortunately, this could be a lonely place until more are willing to support us right where we are. It’s up to us to decide if it’s more worth it to fit in and not feel good because we’re settling for less than our best, OR to find the courage to show up just as we are whether people like it or not. “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair” (said former Presidential candidate and trailblazer, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm). Now is our moment to shine and we are the ones, so let’s do it, with holy boldness, recognizing that we are colorful to the core forever and always in God, rightfully so. “God is within you and every living thing. Translated, this means that everything living is a unique representation of God's identity -- mind, spirit, and life.” Iyanla Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (p. 26) Affirmation: I am a unique expression of God and a blessing to life. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Higher Heights - June 23, 2024
We are always growing and evolving in Spirit. Our spiritual consciousness is always expanding and lifting us higher. We are tapped into the greatness of God expressing through each of us at all times.
Call to Action: We stretch and grow in spiritual awareness to higher heights. By casting our vision farther, our reach extends. If we look past the horizon, we allow our minds and hearts to more fully embrace the infinite spectrum of God’s greatness as who we are. When we are intentionally seeking to expand, we must attain higher heights. The universe meets us where we are and matches our effort with more growth and expansion. We are forever being born anew and rising into our own greatness, whether we are in outreach to help create and nurture beloved community, or whether we are doing our own work to heal old stories and hidden beliefs, we continue to climb the stairway to heaven within our inner consciousness and expand into the beyond. If we participate in our own expansion Spirit guides and lifts us up into higher heights. We are the vision of the world that works for everyone. Let’s execute it with each other and the broader community by taking sacred bold steps with faith and trust, while doing our spiritual work. We can all move to higher heights through this time of evolution and The Great Turning (Johanna Macy). "Today, expect something good to happen to you no matter what occurred yesterday. Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let it go. An abundant world awaits." - Sarah Breathnach, Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy Affirmation: I continually ascend to higher heights in my spiritual awareness. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Unbounded & Unstoppable - June 16, 2024
When we know our divine connection with Spirit, we can realize the truth of who we are. Today as we seek to move from the place of unlimited potential, we operate from holy boldness and know no bounds or red lights in Spirit.
Call to Action: In order to feel unbounded, we have to free ourselves of restraint with unlimited ability to move and take action. In order to feel unstoppable, we have to free ourselves of obstacles or boundaries that prevent us from moving forward. In order to move boldly through life in a sacred manner, we have to feel a divine connection to the sense of freedom that is a divine quality of Spirit within us. This requires empowerment, conviction, commitment, and the ability to govern from an inner place of strength, trust, faith, and truth. We must examine our own hidden beliefs and perceptions that can be our biggest obstacles, as well as those that others may impose. Our spiritual practices can inform our course of action to resolve old beliefs, old stories, perceptions, or limitations so that we are free and clear to move forward through life answering our own call and intuitive guidance. This pathway leads to being unstoppable and having an unbounded freedom to express fully and completely just as we are and were meant to be. We walk with holy boldness emblazoned from within, shining our inner light brightly for all to witness and behold. “Our responsibility as citizens is to address the inequalities and injustices that linger, that we secure our birthright freedoms for all people.” President Barack Obama Affirmation: I am free from limitations and unstoppable in God. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Fired Up - June 9, 2024
What are you most passionate about in life? If you are unsure, or you feel that your purpose has shifted, spend time this week rediscovering your passion and rekindling your fire. Every individual has a purpose on this planet, and it is time you are fired up for yours!
Call to Action: When we are fired up in life, we are ready to proceed on our path of completion. There is nothing that can stop, deter, or slow us down. If we hit a roadblock or obstacle, we move through or go around it. When we are fired up with holy boldness to propel us, we’re not only revved up with inspiration, motivation, and readiness, we are also willing to step outside of our comfort zone to try something new or different, to listen to our intuitive guidance, and do whatever it is despite any fear. We are willing to be a pioneer, path builder, and leader creating a new way out of no seeming way. We get there by embracing bravery and courage, which includes being vulnerable and humble. We listen up and listen in, remembering how our ancestors forged their own way and overcame obstacles that we, too, can overcome. Being fired up requires an inner conviction, fortitude, and resilience to get back up if we fall, knowing we grow stronger and wiser with each step. As we cultivate our consciousness of courage, conviction, and commitment we become fired up with holy boldness as the wind beneath our wings. “Prayer leads one to a place of mental acceptance but prayer without faith is ineffectual. Faith elevates the prayer to conviction and acceptance.” Ernest Holmes, Can We Talk To God (p. 61) Affirmation: I am fired up and ready to live life fully. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
Sacred Audacity - June 2, 2024
We can choose to live large or small. Our experience is a reflection of that choice. Today is an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to achieve a different outcome in life.
Call to Action: Sacred audacity requires tapping into our spiritual connection to allow us to be used as conduits through which the divine expresses Its greatness. This may require inner courage and boldness. As this inner work and preparation is cultivated, there is tangible action that needs to happen to bring your intention from a thought to a thing; to take the invisible and bring it into tangible form. This means that now is the perfect time to start, restart, visit, or even revisit the intention to do whatever it is that our hearts are longing for. When we do our spiritual work we can hold the bold action as sacred and a part of our spiritual practice and intention. We can step out there knowing that there is no misstep, simply an opportunity to try it again and tweak as needed. We can turn our attention from fear to faith and know that we can and are doing it, that God is truly the wind beneath our wings, and this sacred act is propelling us forward in divine expression with fortitude, courage, and resilience. "The subconscious mind will bring to pass any picture held in the mind and backed by faith. Act as though I am, and I will be." - Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind Affirmation: I am bold, courageous, and brave. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
The Power of Vision - May 26, 2024
Vision is a companion to self-actualization. A vision allows us to know who we are and what we can create together.
Call to Action: As we begin to create brave and safe spaces for the self-actualization of others, it is important to understand words are not enough. It is through our conscious actions, both seen and unseen, that we can create transformative spaces for others to embrace their true selves. We are called to actively practice empathy, compassion, and acceptance, passionately engaging in the dismantling of societal barriers and limitations, allowing our own authenticity and integrity to guide us in cultivating an environment where every individual feels seen, heard, and celebrated. In our private moments, we remember our thoughts, beliefs, and actions directly impact the shaping of our collective experience. By living our truth, embracing self-expression, and creating space for others to self-actualize, we become beacons of empowerment, catalysts of change, and creators of a world where authenticity is the norm, and every individual is given the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can forge a path towards a world where everyone can unapologetically be themselves and contribute to a more vibrant, compassionate, and interconnected life. “How do I treat others? Do my practices align with my values? How am I holding others accountable?” But the main question is, “Who am I when no one is looking?” - Following the murder of George Floyd, Stephanie Dillon of the Rolling Stones Culture Council offered questions that those who want to end oppression should ask themselves. Affirmation: I create spaces for authentic self-expression in both myself and others. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |
The Steps We Take - May 19, 2024
The path of self-discovery brings us closer to our own authentic expression, moving from Good to Great to Grand.
Call to Action: Self-actualization requires the interplay of alignment, intention, and activation. Alignment involves connecting with our true selves and identifying our core values, allowing us to live in harmony with our authentic nature. As we align our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with our values, we create a sense of coherence and congruence. Intention acts as the driving force behind our actions, setting a clear direction for our choices and action in accordance with our values and spiritual principles. It allows us to create a life filled with meaning and purpose. However, true self-actualization goes beyond intention; it requires activation. Activation involves translating our values and intentions into real life actions and consistently embodying them in our daily lives. It is through intentional action that we bring our values to life, transforming them from abstract concepts into lived experiences. By aligning, setting clear intentions, and activating our values, we embark on a transformative journey towards self-actualization, allowing our values to guide and shape our path to authenticity and the realization of our highest potential. “When the basis of your actions is inner alignment in the present moment, your actions become empowered with the intelligence of life itself.” - Eckhart Tolle Affirmation: My outer life exists in alignment with the truth of my most authentic self. If you are interested in learning more about the Science of Mind teaching, we are offering the Foundations course via zoom starting Saturday, September 7th, so connect with me or check out our website to find out the details. We will also be having a 5-week book study on The Four Agreements starting Tuesday, July 2nd. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated |
The Value-Led Life - May 12, 2024
Nothing informs our activity in the world more than our values, the space where our inner world is reflected in our outer presence. Where are your values leading you?
Call to Action: By harnessing the power of attention, passion, and belief we can begin to take steps towards living a value-led life. This starts by cultivating mindfulness and directing our attention towards understanding our core values. Then we can begin to shift our systems of thought, belief, and action in ways that align with our values and our most authentic selves. As we explore our passions, those sparks of inspiration within us, we can begin to embrace them as guides on our journey. We can then delve deep into our beliefs, questioning and refining them, ensuring they are in harmony with our authentic self. Aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with these beliefs, guides us towards living a life of integrity and authenticity. This alignment creates an inevitable movement from Good to Great to Grand, as we recognize and activate our values in both our individual and collective experiences. “Focus not on doing less or doing more, but on doing what you value.” – Gretchen Rubin Affirmation: I live from my values in ways that enhance my life and the world around me. If you are interested in learning more about the Science of Mind teaching, we are offering the Foundations course via zoom starting Saturday, September 7. We will also be having a book study on The Four Agreements during the summer, so connect with me or check on our website under “Classes” to find out the details. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated |
The Inner Landscape - May 5, 2024
The path to our most authentic expression starts with the exploration of our own inner landscape. Through observation, curiosity, and self-discovery we uncover the “grandness” that has been there all along.
Call to Action: It may not always be easy, but by allowing ourselves to be open to embracing the power of observation, curiosity, and self-discovery we open the door to limitless possibilities for evolution and transformation. By learning to cultivate curiosity and letting it be our guide, we can begin to view our own inner landscape with a fresh perspective. This allows us to be open to the wonders that unfold along the journey of self-discovery and authentic self-expression. This journey calls us to explore the depths of our being, untangling the layers of identity and beliefs that may no longer serve us. Through this untangling we can embrace the transformative potential that lies within, and with each discovery, take courageous steps towards living from our own authenticity. “True alchemy is about transforming unconsciousness into consciousness. Curiosity is where the magic happens.” - Mary O’Malley, What’s in the Way is the Way p104 Affirmation: I am open and curious as I explore my own inner landscape. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated |
Gentle Cosmic-ness - April 28, 2024
Let’s take this gentleness to a cosmic level, breathing in Truth, changing our perspectives, and celebrating Life!
Call to Action: "When we enlarge our view of the world, we deepen our understanding of our own lives." - Yo-Yo Ma This cosmic giant of gentleness is calling for us to expand our awareness and liberally apply love and compassion to all the aspects of our lives. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, listen to your body. Get extraordinarily good at being present with the uncomfortableness and not reacting but listening. The uncomfortableness in our world is here to tell us something. This gentleness is not a one and done kind of thing and certainly not this cosmic gentleness. Our practices build it, like a muscle. As we nurture ourselves, we grow it. As we liberate our bodies and nature from worry and stress, we expand it. This cosmic gentleness that we have cultivated and nurtured goes from us to touch and bless the world and generations yet to come. Imagine because of the work we do; generations are raised in gentleness and love. Authenticity and kindness are the new look of success and happiness. Oneness is recognized in each and every one of us. This is ours to do. This is ours to be. This is Cosmic Gentleness in form. This is A Grand Rising. We can’t solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them. ~ Albert Einstein Affirmation: The world is alive as Love Itself. Our Annual General Meeting via zoom. Please note the new date is Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. The zoom link is posted on our website. I’d also like to remind you to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook page. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated, |
Taking It To The Streets - April 21, 2024
It doesn’t matter what the topic or situation is. This is ours to do. Let’s amp up our gentleness and respond “in kind.”
Call to Action: We are not creating Giant Gentleness from nothing. We are cultivating it. We are encouraging and spreading it. We’ve taken steps to be gentle with ourselves and to hold others in genuine gentleness. Now we support its continued expansion in the work we do, and in our neighborhoods, cultures, political processes, and activism. We are called to share and shine this gentleness into every dark corner. We take this awareness, compassion, gratitude and love to new levels and greater heights. Life is ever evolving as are we. It is obvious in the way we used to do and think about things (individually and collectively). And now we can stand in Love, and we hold Love up as our ruler and our lodestone. We remember there is more to life and whatever is before us than what meets the eye. We choose to breathe and act, not react. We choose to love everyone and everything even when we disagree. This giant is expanding and growing because we have called it forth. Because we choose a world that works for everyone. Life is worth living and loving for all of us. This Giant Gentleness is for all of us. "To enjoy health, bring happiness and peace, one must discipline one's mind. Find the way to enlightenment and wisdom. What you think you become." - the Buddha Affirmation: I breathe gentleness into all the ways our communities and cultures evolve. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. Our Annual General Meeting is Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join; however, you must be a member to vote. The zoom link is posted on our website. |
The Other in Love - April 14, 2024
We are reflections of each other. As we cultivate gentleness for ourselves, we begin to recognize Love expressing Itself as the others in our lives.
Call to Action: Continuing to build our Giant of Gentleness is not exclusively independent of others. In fact, we are never alone. Being in relationship with others provides some of the most rewarding and exhilarating experiences in life. And they can also be tedious and downright frustrating. Recognizing our oneness with each other gives us introspection and awareness of our own judgements and how that is reflected in our relationships. Loving ourselves is loving the other. Loving the other is loving ourselves. Reaching for “the outpouring of the Divine givingness” in active compassion allows our beloveds to be themselves. It also gives us the space we need to find our own balance and perspective. All relationships are sacred and holy. This gentleness is in how we see those around us as well as ourselves. This gentleness is expanding and growing. Practicing it keeps it alive for us and sends out subtle reminders to all everywhere in the world. Let’s keep this gentle energy going and growing. …the moment you develop a sense of concern for others, you realize that, just like ourselves, they also want happiness; they also want satisfaction. ~ The Dalai Lama – The Wisdom of Forgiveness, p166 Our Affirmation for today is: All of my relationships are Love in form. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. We will be having our Annual General Meeting via zoom. Please note the new date is Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. The zoom link is posted on our website. |
Your Gentleness is Showing - April 7, 2024
Forgetting who you are is part of the journey. Therefore, let gentleness be your most trusted travel companion.
Call to Action: As of today you are building a culture of Giant Gentleness. A culture where you are comfortable in your own skin and your minds are safe and loving. A culture where you are allowed to mess up without it being the end of the world. A culture where you love yourself more often than not, and when you don’t that’s okay too. Today in this world, you get to be yourself. You get to be different and unique. You get to fail and succeed. You get to have good days and bad days. You get to say what you want and what doesn’t work for you. Too woo-woo for you? Life is so full and rich. And we cut ourselves off from experiencing even the smallest bit of Its goodness because of our judgements. There is so much more to life than what we’ve allowed. So let yourself be gentle with yourself. Begin to think better of yourself. Let ideas of possibility, generosity, and kindness be what you focus on. Know and live from an expanding awareness of Truth that there is a whole universe of things going on. Life is always working out. Be willing to let your perspective change. This is your Giant Gentleness. This is your Grand Rising. If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. ~ Jack Kornfield – Buddha’s Little Instruction Book Affirmation: I let my gentleness reveal my giant Self. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless your financial contributions today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. We will be having our Annual General Meeting via zoom on Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. The zoom link is posted on our website. |
Don't Go Back to Sleep - March 31, 2024
We’ve awakened to the Truth of our identity as divine humans, but that doesn’t mean our journey’s over. The work continues, the path leads onward. Don’t go back to sleep!
Call to Action: It’s up to us to invite and commit to this new now moment and its new idea for us, for our communities, and for our world. We’ve awakened to the Truth of our identity as divine-humans, and now we heed Rumi’s exhortation: “Don’t go back to sleep!” We surrender to the divine guidance of indwelling Love-Wisdom, and not only listen to its message for us, but step out, step up, and step forward into conscious, Spirit-centered action. We are the change we wish to see in the world. We are the Love we wish to see in the world. Together, grounded in that divine power and promise working in us/through us/as us, we transform the world. “And we know we can’t go back again to the world that we were living in ‘cause we’re dreaming with our eyes wide open.” ~ Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, The Greatest Showman Affirmation: I embrace infinite possibility as I live the Love I am. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. We will be having our Annual General Meeting via zoom on Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. |
New...Now...What's Next - March 24, 2024
We’re awakening in a new way to the Truth that we’re bigger than we thought we were. We’re stepping into our identity as divine-humans - God’s experience and expression of Itself in/through/as us. Now what are we going to do about it?
Call to Action: Stepping into a larger, deeper Knowing of the Truth of who we are, we feel ourselves getting happier, freer, lighter. We’re more willing to trust that Spirit supports and guides us in ways that, previously, we maybe didn’t notice or understand. Ego-constructed barriers and boundaries and boxes start to dissolve. Love permeates our consciousness. We’re learning new ways of getting in touch with our highest Good and living more fully in alignment with it. We stand in our power. Now is the time we can take this new sense of Being into Spirit-centered, Love-motivated doing. The divine identity within each of us inspires us to be our own unique expression of the One. Divine possibility invites us into action. Divine guidance gladly answers our open question: “What is mine to do?” Once we get Spirit’s answer, whether it be the faintest glimmer or a fireworks explosion, it’s up to us to say yes and make the move. Will Rogers famously said, “Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there!” It’s time to take the leap into our “New… Now… What’s Next!” phase. “I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.” ~ E.B. White. Affirmation: Grounded in Truth, I step forward into ever greater Good. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. Every donation is greatly appreciated. We will be having our Annual General Meeting via zoom on Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. The link is posted on our website. |
Tell Me Something Good - March 17, 2024
Call to Action:
“Figuring it out” applies our intellect’s reasoning processes to information we’ve stored from past experiences, and the stories we’ve constructed out of those experiences. As such it’s a useful and powerful tool, with limitations. Let’s thank our intellect for the hard work it’s done for us, invite it to loosen its need to control all our decisions, then open ourselves to a greater field of loving, unlimited Intelligence. We can learn to partner our ego-intellect with our soul’s intuition. We can promise to keep paying attention, and dive into an ever deeper knowing of the truth of who we are, and the truth of our Oneness and connectedness within the Whole. Divine Intelligence reveals itself in us because it is us, and yes, so much more than us – living Itself “in and through all creation, but… not absorbed by its creation” (Core Concept 1, Foundational Class curriculum, Appendix A). The Universe is continuously offering us all we need for our journey – whispers and shouts, God-winks and happy surprises large and small. As we consciously invite more of its wisdom and guidance into our awareness, new ideas, new directions, and new possibilities are revealed. We can step into action trusting that we are aligned with our highest good and the highest good of all. “When the solution is simple, God is answering.” ~ Albert Einstein. Affirmation: Divine Intelligence lives in me and guides me in each new day. We will be having our Annual General Meeting via zoom on Saturday, May 4 @ 10am Pacific Time and everyone is welcome to join, however, you must be a member to vote. The link will be posted on our website We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated, whether it’s $5, or $50, or just the cost of a cup of coffee. Your contributions are circulated with our tithing to our greater organization which reaches out global, as well as locally. We also tithe to a local Women’s Shelter to assist women and children that have left an abusive home and allows them an opportunity to become grateful for the assistance to become productive and successful members of the community. |
Up Until Now - March 10, 2024
It’s time to acknowledge our past (the good, the bad, and the ugly) while disentangling ourselves from it. It’s time to forgive and release old patterns that no longer serve us. Let’s install and practice a new script: “UP UNTIL NOW…”
Call to Action: While we can be tempted to stay comfortable in our discomfort, reliving our past experiences, beliefs, and behaviors, it’s time to accept Spirit’s invitation into the new, unlimited possibilities of the present. Let’s set the intention to shine the light of consciousness into our old, less-than-conscious habits of thinking and doing. Let’s replace our old story of “I’ve always…” with the new script of “Up until now…” Starting right now, we can honor and bless past patterns and beliefs as we gently untangle ourselves from any attachment or resistance. We can forgive what needs forgiving: the “bad” for the pain it triggered, the “good” for its impermanence, and ourselves for our own judgments of it all. Today, trusting the Truth of Spirit in us, through us, as us, we step with courage and curiosity into a brand new Now. “The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions.” ~ Ellen Glasgow Affirmation: I release the past, and claim a higher, happier experience of life today. We rely on your support to continue our Center here in Puerto Vallarta so we can continue offering this powerful teaching of the Science of Mind. We bless the financial gifts you give today. Every donation is greatly appreciated. |