Current & upcoming classes
New Classes:
email for registration: [email protected]
Book Study - The Four Agreements
Explore the parallels between the book The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz, and the Science of Mind philosophy by Ernest Holmes.
Length: 5 weeks (start date Tuesday, July 2, 2024)
Love Offering (Pay what you can/what you want)
Explore the parallels between the book The Four Agreements, by don Miguel Ruiz, and the Science of Mind philosophy by Ernest Holmes.
Length: 5 weeks (start date Tuesday, July 2, 2024)
Love Offering (Pay what you can/what you want)
Foundations of the Science of Mind
This class presents a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support that principle. The Creative Process is introduced at the beginning of the class and then flows through each week, so that the student has the opportunity to see and use the Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Each week also features the writing of one of our elders as well as one of our contemporaries on the subject at hand. These include Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, and many more.
Length of Course: 10 weeks via zoom (start date: Saturday, September 7, 2024)
Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Suggested Tuition: $295.00 + Registration $45 USD
Fundamentos de Ciencia de la Mente
Esta clase presenta un nuevo principio espiritual cada semana y una práctica espiritual para apoyar ese principio. El Proceso Creativo se presenta al principio de la clase y fluye a lo largo de cada semana, de manera que el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de ver y usar el Proceso Creativo y trabajar en cada principio espiritual. Cada semana también destaca los escritos de uno de nuestros primeros maestros, así como de nuestros contemporáneos sobre el tema que nos ocupe. Estos incluyen al Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, y muchos más.
Duración: 10 semanas (pronto)
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente de Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $147.50 dlls + $22.50 USD
Advanced Practitioner Studies (Professional Practitioner Training)
This course focuses on how life got to be this way and does a deep dive into personal beliefs. Students can expect to know themselves and the beliefs they hold more deeply. This class also focuses on spiritual practice and the use of spiritual mind treatment to make conscious changes and shifts for transformation in a student's life.
Starting date: September 2024
Investment: $100.00 USD registration and $825.00 USD for 27 modules/weeks & 1 6-hour workshop
Location: zoom
This class presents a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support that principle. The Creative Process is introduced at the beginning of the class and then flows through each week, so that the student has the opportunity to see and use the Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Each week also features the writing of one of our elders as well as one of our contemporaries on the subject at hand. These include Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, and many more.
Length of Course: 10 weeks via zoom (start date: Saturday, September 7, 2024)
Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Suggested Tuition: $295.00 + Registration $45 USD
Fundamentos de Ciencia de la Mente
Esta clase presenta un nuevo principio espiritual cada semana y una práctica espiritual para apoyar ese principio. El Proceso Creativo se presenta al principio de la clase y fluye a lo largo de cada semana, de manera que el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de ver y usar el Proceso Creativo y trabajar en cada principio espiritual. Cada semana también destaca los escritos de uno de nuestros primeros maestros, así como de nuestros contemporáneos sobre el tema que nos ocupe. Estos incluyen al Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, y muchos más.
Duración: 10 semanas (pronto)
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente de Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $147.50 dlls + $22.50 USD
Advanced Practitioner Studies (Professional Practitioner Training)
This course focuses on how life got to be this way and does a deep dive into personal beliefs. Students can expect to know themselves and the beliefs they hold more deeply. This class also focuses on spiritual practice and the use of spiritual mind treatment to make conscious changes and shifts for transformation in a student's life.
Starting date: September 2024
Investment: $100.00 USD registration and $825.00 USD for 27 modules/weeks & 1 6-hour workshop
Location: zoom
Previous Classes:
Mental Equivalents
This is a Core course based on the teachings of Science of Mind. Leap into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe there is a corresponding mental image. Discover how to measure and expand thinking to create a larger mental image so that one’s greatest desires may demonstrate.
Length of Course: 5 Weeks starting May 6, 2024
Required Text: The Mental Equivalent by Emmet Fox (a pamphlet)
Suggested Tuition: $170.00 + $45 Registration Fee USD
Equivalentes mentales
Este es un curso básico basado en las enseñanzas de Ciencia de la Mente. Salta a un estado de verdadero potencial activando la poderosa Ley de Equivalentes Mentales. Para cada cosa formada en el Universo hay una imagen mental correspondiente. Descubra cómo medir y expandir el pensamiento para crear una imagen mental más amplia para que se puedan demostrar los mayores deseos.
Duración del curso: 5 clases mayo 6, 7 & 8 y junio 3 & 4
Textos: Equivalentes mentales, por Emmet Fox
Colegiatura sugerida: $85 + $22.50 Cuota de inscripción dlls
This is a Core course based on the teachings of Science of Mind. Leap into a state of true potential by activating the powerful Law of Mental Equivalents. For every formed thing in the Universe there is a corresponding mental image. Discover how to measure and expand thinking to create a larger mental image so that one’s greatest desires may demonstrate.
Length of Course: 5 Weeks starting May 6, 2024
Required Text: The Mental Equivalent by Emmet Fox (a pamphlet)
Suggested Tuition: $170.00 + $45 Registration Fee USD
Equivalentes mentales
Este es un curso básico basado en las enseñanzas de Ciencia de la Mente. Salta a un estado de verdadero potencial activando la poderosa Ley de Equivalentes Mentales. Para cada cosa formada en el Universo hay una imagen mental correspondiente. Descubra cómo medir y expandir el pensamiento para crear una imagen mental más amplia para que se puedan demostrar los mayores deseos.
Duración del curso: 5 clases mayo 6, 7 & 8 y junio 3 & 4
Textos: Equivalentes mentales, por Emmet Fox
Colegiatura sugerida: $85 + $22.50 Cuota de inscripción dlls
Self-Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self
The Self-Mastery Course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students have an opportunity to gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings.
Length of Course: 8 Weeks
Required Text: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Suggested Tuition: $245.00 USD + registration $45 USD
Dominio de mi Propio Ser: El surgimiento del verdadero Yo
El Curso se enfoca en la sanación de la separación percibida entre la personalidad y el Espíritu. A través de una exploración activa de la naturaleza creativa de los pensamientos y sentimientos, creencias y emociones, los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de ganar control en el arte de vivir como seres conscientes e intencionales.
Duración del curso: 8 semanas (febrero 5,6&7 y marzo 4,5&6 y abril 8&9)
Texto: Viviendo la Ciencia de la Mente, por Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $122.50 US dlls + $22.50 US
The Self-Mastery Course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students have an opportunity to gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings.
Length of Course: 8 Weeks
Required Text: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Suggested Tuition: $245.00 USD + registration $45 USD
Dominio de mi Propio Ser: El surgimiento del verdadero Yo
El Curso se enfoca en la sanación de la separación percibida entre la personalidad y el Espíritu. A través de una exploración activa de la naturaleza creativa de los pensamientos y sentimientos, creencias y emociones, los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de ganar control en el arte de vivir como seres conscientes e intencionales.
Duración del curso: 8 semanas (febrero 5,6&7 y marzo 4,5&6 y abril 8&9)
Texto: Viviendo la Ciencia de la Mente, por Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $122.50 US dlls + $22.50 US
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Saturday, January 20, 2024 @ 12pm Central Time (2.5 hours each week)
Investment: $25.00USD for registration and $20USD/week (50% discount if you live in Mexico)
Location: Hybrid class (zoom and in-person)
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Saturday, January 20, 2024 @ 12pm Central Time (2.5 hours each week)
Investment: $25.00USD for registration and $20USD/week (50% discount if you live in Mexico)
Location: Hybrid class (zoom and in-person)
Professional Practitioner Studies (Practitioner Training: Year 2)
POSTPONED - email us if you require this course so we can determine new date/time
The second year of professional practitioner studies is about “The Life of the Professional Practitioner.” It focuses on the consciousness, skills, and responsibilities of the Practitioner, and the relationship of the Practitioner to the Principles we teach, to the client, to the process in healing, to the spiritual center, to the community and to the world.
Length of Course: 30 Weeks over 3 terms – starting Friday, October 9 1pm-4pm PST via zoom
Required Text: 9 books required for reading – list to be supplied upon registration
Suggested Tuition: $285.00 USD per term (3 terms)
CSL Registration Fee: $100 USD per student due prior to start of classes
email for registration: [email protected]
Tratamiento y Meditación: Prácticas Espirituales para la Vida Diaria
Este curso se enfoca en que el estudiante desarrolle hábitos de meditación para su vida y Tratamiento Espiritual Mental. A través de un repaso profundo del Tratamiento Espiritual Mental para uno mismo, revisado y fortalecido; y que los estudiantes avancen en la forma de aplicar el tratamiento a otras personas.
Duración del curso: 10 semanas (Septiembre 6&7, Octubre 4&5, Noviembre 2&3, Diciembre 4&5 Enero 8&9)
Textos: Viaje hacia el despertar, por Ram Dass
¿Podemos hablar con Dios? por Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $148 + $22.50 dlls en MX
Treatment and Meditation: Spiritual Practices for Daily Life
This course focuses on the student developing meditation habits for his life and Mental Spiritual Treatment. Through a deep review of Mental Spiritual Treatment for oneself, revised and strengthened; and that students advance in the way of applying the treatment to other people.
Course duration: 10 weeks (weekly starting September 6)
Texts: Journey to Awakening, by Ram Dass
Can we talk to God? by Ernest Holmes
Suggested tuition: $148 + $22.50 dlls in MX, $295 + $45 in USA/CA
Explorando las Raíces de Ciencia de la Mente
Este curso proporciona al estudiante un conocimiento de las raíces históricas de la Filosofía de Ernest Holmes en América. Se da énfasis especial a los trabajos de Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, y Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Duración del curso: 10 semanas/clases (Abril 10&11, Mayo 1&2, Junio 5&6, Julio 3,4,5&6)
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente, por Ernest Holmes Revisión Julio 2022 30
Ensayos de Emerson Primera Serie de Zeuk Media
Las Conferencias de Edimburgo sobre la Ciencia Mental, por Thomas Troward, Traducción Marcela Allen
Grandes Lecciones Metafísicas por Emma Curtis Hopkins y Traducción Marcela Allen
Colegiatura sugerida: $295 + $45 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
Exploring the Roots of Science of Mind
This course provides the student with an understanding of the historical roots in America of Ernest Holmes’ philosophy. Specific emphasis is given to the works of Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Length of Course: 10 Weeks/Classes (currently offered in Spanish only; if you are interested in the English class via zoom, please contact me for dates/times)
Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Emerson’s Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward
Scientific Christian Mental Practice by Emma Curtis Hopkins
Suggested Tuition: $295.00 + $45 USD (50% discount for residents of Mexico)
Este curso proporciona al estudiante un conocimiento de las raíces históricas de la Filosofía de Ernest Holmes en América. Se da énfasis especial a los trabajos de Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, y Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Duración del curso: 10 semanas/clases (Abril 10&11, Mayo 1&2, Junio 5&6, Julio 3,4,5&6)
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente, por Ernest Holmes Revisión Julio 2022 30
Ensayos de Emerson Primera Serie de Zeuk Media
Las Conferencias de Edimburgo sobre la Ciencia Mental, por Thomas Troward, Traducción Marcela Allen
Grandes Lecciones Metafísicas por Emma Curtis Hopkins y Traducción Marcela Allen
Colegiatura sugerida: $295 + $45 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
Exploring the Roots of Science of Mind
This course provides the student with an understanding of the historical roots in America of Ernest Holmes’ philosophy. Specific emphasis is given to the works of Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Length of Course: 10 Weeks/Classes (currently offered in Spanish only; if you are interested in the English class via zoom, please contact me for dates/times)
Required Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
Emerson’s Essays by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward
Scientific Christian Mental Practice by Emma Curtis Hopkins
Suggested Tuition: $295.00 + $45 USD (50% discount for residents of Mexico)
The Essential Ernest Holmes (Lo Esencial de Holmes)
Este curso es un tributo amoroso al Dr. Ernest Holmes y a toda la sabiduría que él trajo a nuestro mundo. El curso está basado en lo que creemos. Cada semana el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de examinar cada una de las ideas contenidas en él y descubrir formas de hacer que el poder de esta enseñanza venga a avivar su vida. A demás, cada clase ahonda en los escritos de Holmes agasajándonos en su quietud, y profundos escritos así como sus apasionadas enseñanzas a los futuros líderes Su amor por las personas y su facilidad para ver más allá de sus problemas en el corazón de su ser eterno, combina la psicología moderna con la capacidad ilimitada de la humanidad para elegir qué pensar y sentir y, por lo tanto, hacer cambios en sus vidas. Cada semana una meditación lleva al estudiante progresivamente más y más profundo a la luz para encontrar la verdad interior.
Duración del curso: 10 clases
a partir del sábado 7 de enero, 2023 @ 10am en persona
Texto: Lo esencial de Ernest Holmes, por Dr. Jesse Jennings
Colegiatura sugerida: $250 + $45 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
The Essential Ernest Holmes
This course is a loving tribute to Dr. Ernest Holmes and all the wisdom he brought to the world. The course is based upon What We Believe? Each week the students have the opportunity to examine each of the ideas contained in it and uncover ways to make the power of this teaching come alive in their lives. Each week has a meditation on Light that takes the student progressively deeper and deeper into the Light to find Inner Truth.
Length of Course: 10 Weeks
Start date: Monday, January 9, 2023 @ 5pm Central via Zoom
Recommended Text: The Essential Ernest Holmes by Dr. Jesse Jennings
Suggested Tuition: $295.00
CSL Registration Fee: $45/student (included in Tuition)
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Tuesday, January 10, 2022 @ 5pm Central Time (2.5 hours each week)
Investment: $25.00USD for registration and $20USD/week (50% discount if you live in Mexico)
Location: Hybrid class (zoom and in-person)
Este curso es un tributo amoroso al Dr. Ernest Holmes y a toda la sabiduría que él trajo a nuestro mundo. El curso está basado en lo que creemos. Cada semana el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de examinar cada una de las ideas contenidas en él y descubrir formas de hacer que el poder de esta enseñanza venga a avivar su vida. A demás, cada clase ahonda en los escritos de Holmes agasajándonos en su quietud, y profundos escritos así como sus apasionadas enseñanzas a los futuros líderes Su amor por las personas y su facilidad para ver más allá de sus problemas en el corazón de su ser eterno, combina la psicología moderna con la capacidad ilimitada de la humanidad para elegir qué pensar y sentir y, por lo tanto, hacer cambios en sus vidas. Cada semana una meditación lleva al estudiante progresivamente más y más profundo a la luz para encontrar la verdad interior.
Duración del curso: 10 clases
a partir del sábado 7 de enero, 2023 @ 10am en persona
Texto: Lo esencial de Ernest Holmes, por Dr. Jesse Jennings
Colegiatura sugerida: $250 + $45 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
The Essential Ernest Holmes
This course is a loving tribute to Dr. Ernest Holmes and all the wisdom he brought to the world. The course is based upon What We Believe? Each week the students have the opportunity to examine each of the ideas contained in it and uncover ways to make the power of this teaching come alive in their lives. Each week has a meditation on Light that takes the student progressively deeper and deeper into the Light to find Inner Truth.
Length of Course: 10 Weeks
Start date: Monday, January 9, 2023 @ 5pm Central via Zoom
Recommended Text: The Essential Ernest Holmes by Dr. Jesse Jennings
Suggested Tuition: $295.00
CSL Registration Fee: $45/student (included in Tuition)
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Tuesday, January 10, 2022 @ 5pm Central Time (2.5 hours each week)
Investment: $25.00USD for registration and $20USD/week (50% discount if you live in Mexico)
Location: Hybrid class (zoom and in-person)
Esta clase presenta un nuevo principio espiritual cada semana y una práctica espiritual para apoyar ese principio. El Proceso Creativo se presenta al principio de la clase y fluye a lo largo de cada semana, de manera que el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de ver y usar el Proceso Creativo y trabajar en cada principio espiritual. Cada semana también destaca los escritos de uno de nuestros primeros maestros, así como de nuestros contemporáneos sobre el tema que nos ocupe. Estos incluyen al Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, y muchos más.
Duración: 10 semanas
a partir del sábado 8 de octubre
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente de Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $295 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
Advanced Consciousness Studies (Practitioner Studies)
This 27 week course will guide you on a journey toward what it means to practice the Science of Mind, and to be fully human and fully divine. In Term One you will discover your hidden beliefs and find out how your life got to be the way it is. In Term Two you will learn how to incorporate principles and practices into your daily life to create the life you desire. In Term Three you will explore what it means to truly embrace all life. (Prerequisite courses required.)
Starting date: Saturday, October 29, 2022 (10am Pacific time)
Investment: $100USD for registration and $270USD/term
Location: zoom (online)
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Monday, October 3, 2022 (7pm Central Time)
Investment: $25.00USD (1/2 price $12.50 if you live in Mexico) for registration and $20USD/week
Location: zoom (online)
Esta clase presenta un nuevo principio espiritual cada semana y una práctica espiritual para apoyar ese principio. El Proceso Creativo se presenta al principio de la clase y fluye a lo largo de cada semana, de manera que el estudiante tiene la oportunidad de ver y usar el Proceso Creativo y trabajar en cada principio espiritual. Cada semana también destaca los escritos de uno de nuestros primeros maestros, así como de nuestros contemporáneos sobre el tema que nos ocupe. Estos incluyen al Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu, Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr. Linda McNamar, y muchos más.
Duración: 10 semanas
a partir del sábado 8 de octubre
Texto: La Ciencia de la Mente de Ernest Holmes
Colegiatura sugerida: $295 dlls USA (50% de descuento para residents mexicanos)
Advanced Consciousness Studies (Practitioner Studies)
This 27 week course will guide you on a journey toward what it means to practice the Science of Mind, and to be fully human and fully divine. In Term One you will discover your hidden beliefs and find out how your life got to be the way it is. In Term Two you will learn how to incorporate principles and practices into your daily life to create the life you desire. In Term Three you will explore what it means to truly embrace all life. (Prerequisite courses required.)
Starting date: Saturday, October 29, 2022 (10am Pacific time)
Investment: $100USD for registration and $270USD/term
Location: zoom (online)
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Want to improve your quality of life? Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life. Register now for this 5 week certified course designed to uncover beliefs, thoughts, and behaviours around relationships, money, and health. Using powerful tools and narrative, discover how to improve and grow in these areas.
Starting date: Monday, October 3, 2022 (7pm Central Time)
Investment: $25.00USD (1/2 price $12.50 if you live in Mexico) for registration and $20USD/week
Location: zoom (online)
Grief Circle - Dates to be advised